(780)786-2677    office.mbchurch@gmail.com


At MBC we firmly believe that God the Father of Jesus Christ is able to do whatever He wills, and that He truly loves us as His children, so we highly value prayer. Prayer is the way in which we directly communicate with our Heavenly Father and so it is a vital part of what it means to be a Christian. Below are some of the ways we pray together…

Sunday Mornings

Each Sunday at 9am in the Youth Room we spend time praying together. This is a time led by one of our Elders where we can collectively praise God for all He is and has done, make intercession for unreached people groups around the globe, and ask God for help in the various needs around us. Everyone is welcome to pray with us, whether you’re brand new or have been a lifelong MBC’er! There is no 9am Prayer during July and August.

Wednesday Mornings

Each Wednesday morning at 7am in the Sanctuary at MBC we spend time praying together, for each other, the church and the world. This time is Lead by Pastor Blake.

The Prayer Room

MBC has a private, online prayer room powered by Discord. This feature is meant to bring us together as a church as we prayer for each other’s needs. Access to this page requires registration. You can register through this link. The video below gives a summary of how to get registered to use this.

Emergency Prayer Chain

We have a private email prayer chain for emergency situations. If you would like to be a part of this team ask any of the Elders or a Staff member to add you.

If you would like to be prayed for, you can also fill out the fields below…

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