Our Mission is to feed those in need, in Mayerthorpe and the surrounding area.
Located on the South wing of the MBC building. Phone: 780-786-4668
Hours of Operation: Thursday evenings 5:30-7:30pm
Emergency Contact: Tammy-Lee Gilroy 780-779-1309
Email: mbcfoodbank@gmail.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/mayerthorpefoodbank/
We respond fairly quickly to Facebook messages.
You can give to the Food Bank in several different ways:
- You can bring a donation of food. (Please call ahead so that someone can meet you there.)
- You can give money by writing a cheque to “Mayerthorpe Food Bank” and either drop it off or put it in the offering bag during a Sunday service.
- You can send us an e-transfer at mbcfoodbank@gmail.com. (If you’d like a tax receipt please type your full name and address in the message.)
- You can register to support the Food Bank through the “Keep It Local” program with our Mayerthorpe CO-OP through this link: . By registering to take part in this program, 1% of your purchases at CO-OP are automatically donated to the charity of your choice. This program used to be what was known as the Till Slip collection program, but now it has moved to being paperless and automatic after signing up. If you’d prefer to not register through the link above, we do have forms at MBC and the Crockett House Cafe that can be physically submitted.